Welcome to GMG

App Support

Complete control


Our new grills give you complete control at your fingertips. Control and monitor your grill from the convenience of your couch through your home WiFi network or on-the-go remotely, with our easy to use server mode. Stay connected whenever, wherever. Bring your BBQ grilling to the 21st century! Downloading our app lets you grill with convenience from either the comfort of your home through WiFi point-to-point control or from wherever your day may take you through Server Mode which lets you control and monitor the grill remotely.

App User Guide
Follow our step-by-step user guide to get connected and start grilling smarter!

Add new grill

Select the GMG Prime Grill that corresponds to the last 3 digits of the 8-digit serial number located on the back of your grill. If you are unable to find your grill, please check that your grill is powered on and your Bluetooth and Location is enabled on your phone.

Connection Modes

Server Mode
If you’re stepping out of the house and want to keep an eye on your temps, this mode is for you. WiFi connection needed.

Local Mode
If you’re staying within local proximity of your grill or don’t internet access, no problem you can still connect via bluetooth. No WiFi connection needed.


The UPDATE page lets you install the latest GMG PRIME firmware for a smoother, more secure experience. * If you don’t like the new app or have trouble getting it to work, you can revert back to the old app using the DOWNGRADE TO LEGACY FIRMWARE button. *(only for Prime/Prime+ grills).

Switch to a green mountain grills pellet bbq and experience the difference for yourself!

How do our customers experience the use of Green Mountain Grills?


After having a GMG Daniel Boone for 5 years, I switched to the Ledge 2.0 with SideBURN in early May. Absolutely fantastic, just that crust of low & slow smoking. I missed something before.

Richard H

Let the summer begin

Last weekend I cleaned up my bbq area and got it ready for the new bbq year. This morning I picked up Peak 2.0 and tomorrow we’ll be eating spareribs..

Joris vd C

Never without it!

I love BBQing for friends and family, but I always have space requirements. With the Peak next to my kamado, my problems are solved.

P. Simons